Music Spotlight: CAPPA

Music Spotlight: CAPPA

LA-based electro-pop artist CAPPA, aka Carla Cappa, released her latest single There With You Baby earlier this month, and we can’t stop singing along to the feel-good track. There With You Baby is the second release—following Change My Mind (ft. Yuppycult)—teasing her forthcoming EP. The contagiously dancey track flawlessly captures the giddy feeling of a new crush or beginning of a new relationship + is the perfect jam to brighten up our self-quarantine days. We caught up with CAPPA about the track + what’s next, and let’s just say we’re counting down the days until her EP release!

photo by Joshua Haaland

photo by Joshua Haaland


Asymmetric Magazine: Congrats on your recent release! Can you tell us all about There With You Baby?
CAPPA: Thank you! There With You Baby is definitely one of my favorite songs I’ve done, so I’m excited to have it out in the world. It’s about falling for someone new and knowing it’s possibly a bad idea but doing it anyway.

AM: Do you have a favorite lyric from the song?
C: I like the line ‘if you’re just bad news, I’m your reputation.’

AM: Are there any consistent themes you typically pursue through your music?
C: I just write about what I’m going through. Some songs I write just because they make me feel good. A few songs that I have coming out are a little bit heavier and are about the loss of a relationship.


AM: We love your album art! How do you think it complements your sound?
C: Thank you! Being in quarantine, I wasn’t able to get new photos for a bit, so I just printed it out on paper, glued it together, and scanned it. The new music I’m working on is very DIY. I’ve been working with a lot of friends on it, and I just want it to be fun and easy, so my cover art is definitely reflective of that.

AM: Do you think living in Los Angeles plays a role in your work?
C: I think it's definitely made my music more pop and commercial. I haven’t decided yet if I feel more at home in the Los Angeles music scene or if I liked the Nashville music scene better (which is where I lived before). They’re very different. 

AM: For first time listeners, how do you like to describe your sound?
C: It’s pop with a little bit of an indie/alternative edge to it.

AM: What other musicians are you currently listening to? What are some top tracks you're into right now?
C: I love The Band Camino. The new Caroline Polachek album Pang is also great. I love some of the tracks on Halsey’s new record Manic, and I’ve also had her new single with Marshmello Be Kind on repeat lately.

AM: What is something that inspires you outside of music?
C: I’ve been reading a lot lately. I’m reading a lot of self-help books and learning about myself. I’m excited to see how that helps me dive deeper with my music.

AM: Where is one place that you feel completely in touch with your creative self and your music?
C: I like writing alone in my room on my guitar. That’s how I grew up writing music, so that still feels the most creative to me.

AM: What can we expect to hear from you next?
C: I have an EP coming out! One of my favorite songs I’ve done is called See U Again, and I’m planning on releasing it next! It’s a sadder, deeper take on the loss of a relationship. 

// listen to there with you baby:

Listen to more CAPPA on Spotify.

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