Music Spotlight: Sizzy Rocket

Music Spotlight: Sizzy Rocket

LA-based pop artist + all around badass Sizzy Rocket recently released two new singles THAT BITCH + Smells Like Sex, which tease her forthcoming album. The two tracks invade our ears with a bold, empowering mix of punk riffs, electro-pop melodies + angsty vocals—exactly what we needed to pull us out of our self-quarantine slumps. We caught up with Sizzy all about the singles + her THAT BITCH music video.

photo by @peggyshootsfilm

Asymmetric Magazine: We’re still obsessing over THAT BITCH! Can you tell us about the track?
Sizzy Rocket: Thank you! THAT BITCH is such a special song to me because it literally got me up off of the floor and out of my breakup depression. It's also the first single from my new album, so she's a special baby. And probably the most ‘Sizzy’ song I've ever written.

AM: How does this new work compare to your previous work like your GRRRL album?
SR: GRRRL was a super soft, vulnerable record sonically and lyrically, and overall, I think it had a very rounded, feminine touch. THAT BITCH is hard af and in your face—unapologetically. It's the complete opposite. if GRRRL was falling in love and getting hurt, THAT BITCH is saying fuck you and turning all that love to yourself.

it’s saying fuck you and turning all that love to yourself.

AM: And you just released a new single Smells Like Sex!
SR: I knew that I wanted to make a sex positive anthem, something clever and sexy but still smart. Like, how do I talk about pussy in a fun, intelligent way?

AM: Are there any consistent themes you typically pursue through your music?
SR: Being young and in love, nostalgia, sex, queer identity, femininity, partying, regret, coming of age, personal experience, existentialism.

AM: There is also a music video out for THAT BITCH. Tell us about the making of the video.
SR: The process was very physical since it's a performance based video and we wanted that high, rockstar level energy. The whole day was about focus and endurance.

AM: For first time listeners, how do you like to describe your sound?
SR: I like to say I'm on some punk Taylor Swift shit. 

AM: We love your album art! How do you think it complements your sound?
SR: I design all of my album art, so I like to make sure it's just as bold and high contrast as my music.


AM: We’re based here in LA, too, so we love to ask: Does the city play a role in your work?
SR: I've always been highly influenced by metropolitan life as well as my own surroundings. LA is essential to my work, especially the lyrics and the tempos.

AM: Is there a one place where you feel completely in touch with your creative self and your music?
SR: My apartment. It's really important to me to keep my space at home inspired and creative at all times. Inspiration isn't on a schedule, so if I get an idea at home I want to be able to execute it right away.

AM: What other musicians are you currently listening to?
SR: Right now I pretty much exclusively listen to the deep house station on Spotify, it kinda puts me in a calm trance. That and everything Travis Scott touches.

AM: What is something that inspires you outside of music?
SR: I fuck heavily with the art world. My favorite artists right now are lefauves, Signe Pierce, Friends With You, Tyrrell Winston, Felipe Pantone and Cayon Castator. I think there is space to experiment with new concepts and aesthetics in the art world that the music industry lacks.

AM: What can we expect to hear from you next?
SR: More songs about sex.

// listen to Smells Like Sex:

// Listen to more Sizzy Rocket on Spotify.

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